Are you possibly, like myself, one of those people who feels strongly spiritual but has never been able to get comfortable with the word God, even if you try to give it the meaning you like? Or even the word Goddess, which works better for many of us but still sometimes can feel lacking?
I have found and tried many words and concepts to try to help fill in the place where I wish to connect with something that is of Spirit, Something Grand, Something that Gives Order to the Universe….
Some of the ones that worked for a while for me, or sometimes still help me relate to “Something Larger” have included: Divinity, Divine Intelligence, Beauty, Love, Creation.
However at the moment I am liking The Mystery. Perhaps even The Mystery of Mysteries. As humans, we just don’t and can’t know so much! (yes even we psychics!). Life seems to be about surrendering to that Mystery…and the one beyond–behind–under–all around it; the Mystery of Mysteries.
For me there is a depth there…an ability to dance with that flow (dance is always near to that “God thing” for me), ultimately a lettig go. Perhaps that is the key–that a True Spiritual Force is the Unknown, and we are the “Unknowers.” To me this is a doorway into the wisdom of spiritual experience: to be transformed and not bound to concept, but to the greater and greater possibilities of growth, deepening, and life.
What does the word Mystery, or the phrase Mystery of Mysteries, evoke for you? Does it bring you closer to peace, to surrender, to curiosity about or awe of life? Or what other words have helped you feel closer to the Spirit in All Things? Leave your thoughts below!
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